
Guestline Reseller

Ophelia - one solution, one service provider, one contact person

Ophelia has stood for reliability and professional IT system solutions for 20 years. Our customers, who come primarily from the individual and chain hotel industry, appreciate exactly that: Security and fast, reliable help.

Thanks to our background in the hotel industry and our many years of experience, we know that speed and flexibility are essential in a hotel. 30 employees in Bielefeld, Leipzig, Ratingen and Amsterdam can guarantee this.

More information

For more information about Ophelia, visit their website below:

Become a Reseller

Find out more about becoming a Guestline Reseller

This form is designed to help Guestline to understand your current business, based on the type of represented brands, served segments, and country or countries you operate in. Once completed, we will evaluate and if further details needed, the team will be in touch to arrange further discussions

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